Art on the Wall

The artwork on the wall, shown in the trailer . I like some of it. As ever, inspiration precedes craft. Stories Before a Goodnight Kiss The epitome of how a dream-scape should be. Art by Mysteries of the Mind I like the simplicity of it. Brushes by Behind the Curtain... ... you'll find a pierrot Practical Miracles Achieve Miracles by being: - Religious or - A Hero or - Superstitious or - A Brute or - A Gentleman Amaze your Friends Amaze your friends the way Harry did. Secrets of All Kinds That's a promise I tend to keep. Marvelous & Scary Stories Another promise I'm inclined to keep. The marvelous art is by the scary Virgil Finlay Cure of Vulgarities step 1: admit that you are a Vulgar step 2: convert g to c step3: convert r to n There! Now you are Vulcan, the god of fire. Easy stuff! Original Painting: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Napoleon on the Imperial Throne , 1806 Climb that Ladder! I don...